Sunday, February 7, 2010

Oden's 2 Week Update

hello friends and family,

well blogger is still having issues with the videos, which is frustrating, but i figured i could throw some photos up here and give you a little update on oden's stats. he had his 2 week checkup on tuesday and he gained a pound since his birth, which is great because he was on the light side and it means he is getting plenty to eat! he is sleeping well, giving us 3 to 4 hour chunks of sleep in the evenings, which is a blessing because neither mitch or i are all that pleasant when sleep-deprived and is alert for a couple hours at a time during the days. so, all in all everything is going great! i really hope the videos get working again because it is so much faster and easier for me to update you all that way, and you get to see the little man in action! anyway, here are his stats, percentile wise for those who have an interest in such things:
Wt: 7lb 11.4oz (23%)
Ht: 1'8.5" (46%) (i don't think they stretched him out all the way though, he was being a bit fussy, then peed on me)
Head Circumference: 14.02" (22%)
its almost feeding time so i have to run, but i hope everyone is doing well, and thank you all so much for all of the well wishes! enjoy the photos!

alissa, mitch and oden

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