Thursday, July 23, 2009

15 weeks 3 days - tiny baby inside of me has a heartbeat

hello again family and friends,
so, we had our mini-appointment yesterday (not tuesday, like i had previously said) and everything looked/felt/sounded great!  i'm apparently a big fan of saying "yaaay" to any news, and i have promised myself that i will promptly put an end to using that exclamation after hearing myself on camera.  anyway, we found the heartbeat right away, and it is nice and strong...  we also listen to the placenta for a bit, which i didn't even know you could do, it kind of weirded me out, like i have two little beings growing inside of me instead of one.  mer tries to make a prediction of the sex of the baby based on the heartbeat (don't worry mom, its inconclusive), while mitch makes a prediction of his own...

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