Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tiny Baby Inside of Me - 16 weeks

hello!  i hope everyone is enjoying the lighter look of the blog... i felt the black was a bit ominous given its joyous contents... but do not be fooled or influenced by the blue accents; they are not indicative of the gender of the babe...  green wasn't legible against the white background, and i just thought the blue was pretty.  anyway, i won't waste my time typing when i have prepared this lovely video for your enjoyment.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tiny Baby Inside of Me First Photos

Some of you may have already seen these, but they were taken at 8 weeks, during our first, and only ultrasound so far.  Its amazing how much he already looks like his dad...  you can see his little feets and umbilical cord.   He was only about 3/4" long at the time, so he has grown quite a bit since then.  This week he is about the size of an avocado, about 4.5" long and 3.5 oz.... We are really excited for the next ultrasound... only a few more weeks to go!  Its amazing that we are almost halfway through this... we have A LOT to do!  

Thursday, July 23, 2009

15 weeks 3 days - tiny baby inside of me has a heartbeat

hello again family and friends,
so, we had our mini-appointment yesterday (not tuesday, like i had previously said) and everything looked/felt/sounded great!  i'm apparently a big fan of saying "yaaay" to any news, and i have promised myself that i will promptly put an end to using that exclamation after hearing myself on camera.  anyway, we found the heartbeat right away, and it is nice and strong...  we also listen to the placenta for a bit, which i didn't even know you could do, it kind of weirded me out, like i have two little beings growing inside of me instead of one.  mer tries to make a prediction of the sex of the baby based on the heartbeat (don't worry mom, its inconclusive), while mitch makes a prediction of his own...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

15 weeks - tiny baby inside of me

Mitch tells me I need to write a script before I do these because I ramble on too much... but i tell him our friends and family love to see me stumble through the awkwardness of being on camera!  Plus, it only took 7 minutes to film this way, not an hour. So, if you are just here for the stomach shot wait for the video to load and fast forward to 3:30.  Otherwise, enjoy, and i'll try to make the next one a bit more concise.  For a larger version of this video please visit: my brand new youtube account
love you guys!