Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Craft Show!

this post really has nothing to do with pregnancy and everything to do with my crafty friends and family and the gifts they made with their own bare hands! featuring lemon and twiglet as my assistants.

Week 38 - Not So Tiny Baby Inside Of Me


we are still pregnant!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Week 37 - Not So Tiny Baby Inside of Me

buon giorno amici e famiglia!
i don't think i wished everyone a Merry Christmas in the video, so Merry Christmas! And a belated Happy Channukah!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Robit/House Time Lapse

We thought it would be fun to time lapse the painting of the robit mural, but either I was too slow painting it, or we didn't have enough film to tape the whole thing... either way it isn't quite complete by the end, but mitch put together this little montage for you all to enjoy... so enjoy it!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Not So Tiny Baby Inside of Me - Week 36

Hello hello hello!

I've posted a few videos since I last e-mailed everyone, so if you like watching these religiously, better pop some popcorn and settle in for 18 to 20 minutes of rambling... otherwise if you are just interested in seeing the belly shots, they are conveniently located within the first couple minutes of each video. Also, I keep promising more photos and videos, and they are coming I swear...


Thursday, December 10, 2009

week 35 - tiny baby inside of me

hello friend,
here is the latest and greatest... there is this thing called 'baby brain' where your pregnancy causes you to be absentminded, and i think i have a bad case of it. i feel much less articulate than i did when i first started posting these blogs, so i apologize and can only hope that the baby will release my brain from his tiny little grasp when he arrives... more to come soon!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week 34 -Tiny Baby Inside of Me

Buenos Dias Amigos,

Its been awhile! I shot this video earlier this week but felt that I was unfocused and rambling so I wanted to reshoot it but didn't so I am posting it anyway. We actually have a few things we need to post including a 35 week update so there may be a cluster of new content up here in the coming days. I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving!


Friday, November 20, 2009


ok, so we have done more to the room since this photo was taken, but it shows the completed robot... we have textured walls, so the rough, unfinished look of the worked well. its been humorous showing people in person because all of the girls think it looks so great, comment on the colors, etc... then all the guys think that the baby will be scared of the giant robot... what pansies! we now want electro to be invading a city like godzilla but have to wait til after the holiday to tackle that project. we'll post more soon!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

week 31 - tiny baby inside of me

i forgot to mention that it is Wednesday, November 11, 2009 and we are 31 weeks pregnant! just a quick update featuring the lovely little lemon...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween!

mitch was a guerilla chili pepper and i was a soldier... there was waaaaay too much artificial fog at the party we went to making the pictures a bit hazy, but you can still make out my gut!

I know hallow

week 30 - tiny baby inside of me

good evening and welcome,

i don't know why i'm speaking so slowly in tonight's blog, i usually feel like i'm firing info at you guys to the point that you might not understand what i'm saying, but tonight i appear a bit more pensive. i think its because a couple of friends showed up just as i started taping and i feel self-conscious talking to my computer when others are in earshot... still, the shoot was a success so i hope you enjoy it!


Monday, October 26, 2009

tiny baby inside of me: progress

hello everyone, here are some photos, as promised. first, our glorious pumpkins... a friend carved the one on the top left, with the help of a squirrel, rabbit or rodent friend who started it off by sculpting the eye patch... mitch's is the one in the center, and yes, it is vomiting... mine is the one on the right, it was supposed to be pregnant, but took a wrong turn somewhere.this is the dresser we picked up, it has a few scratches on it, but its sturdy and solid... and has that retro feel i like... we plan on painting it so this is a 'before' shot.
and finally a couple of shot of the baby's room so far... if you had seen it before, you would know how drastically different it looks... the walls used to be a generic off white and the floors were covered with a dingy light tan carpet... again, the mural isn't up yet, so consider this a 'before' shot... we really like the color of the walls, its warm and neutral...

well, thats all for now!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

week 29 - tiny baby inside of me

hello friends and family! here is just a quick little video update. i hope to follow it up with some images for y'all.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

week 28 - tiny baby inside of me

hey there everybody! i accidentally hit the mouse and stopped recording mid-sentence so this weeks post is broken up into 2 videos, the first being the longer and more informative portion of the 2.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 24 - Tiny Baby Inside of Me

This is a very special episode of the baby blog, because Mitch takes center stage and shares his feelings about becoming a dad! The second video is a short clip of my belly bump.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 23 - tiny baby inside of me

hello again everybody!
here is a little weekly update for y'all... i recorded this late tonight after a 12 hour day of work, so i'm a little loopy, but i know some of you get a little testy if you don't get your weekly fix
of our antics, so i muscled through!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

week 22 - tiny baby inside of me

so, this video came out really dark for some reason, darker than it looked when i was filming it... i started to re-film it, but my heart just wasn't in it, so i'm sticking with the original.... enjoy!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

hello and welcome back to our weekly update! the baby is sucking all of the blood that usually goes to my brain into his belly so i can't remember things very well anymore; namely the items i want to cover in these here videos! maybe next week i'll finally take mitch's advice and make an outline to follow... anyway, i hope you enjoy this week's video!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

20 week ultrasound photos!

hello everyone! sorry this has taken a couple of days, but here are some of the photos from wednesday's ultrasound. the tech labeled the images, but if you have questions about what you are seeing let me know! the first one showing the lips and nose is by far the coolest, he looks just like mitch from that angle... he's gonna be a handsome little devil!

('junk' is slang for all the bits and pieces 'down there', the tech labeled at mitch's request. oh, and your looking at it from below; someone equated it to him sitting on a copy machine)

(he has his hand by his chin)

(side view of his 'junk', he is going to hate us later in life for putting these up here)

(this one is a little freaky, if you look directly above where is says 'face' at the bottom, that is his head... you can see an eyeball towards the top (another faint one if you look below it), a lip line and chin... )

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tiny Baby Inside of Me - 20 weeks

hello family and friends!

this is a very short, but exciting video that we filmed early this morning! we had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday and got a good glimpse of the wriggly little bugger; we think the lil guy has my chin and mitch's lips... crazy we can see these things so soon! our due date got pushed up a day to January 9, 2009 and we found out the sex of the babe!

alissa and mitch

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Week 19 - Tiny Baby Inside of Me

hello everyone!

here is just a quick update i squeezed in last night... nothing too mind-blowing, but i'm definitely beginning to 'pop'!  also, does anyone know if i can choose the frame the video maker decides to freeze, rather than being stuck with the lovely one it automatically displayed below?  thanks!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

18 Week Ultrasound Photos


here are the photos of the ultrasound we had on tuesday. like i said in the video, the nurse was the first to admit she doesn't perform them often (we had some extra time, so she offered to let us take a peek) so that is why the shots are a bit jumbled and we weren't able to find out the sex... anyway, i threw some labels on the images to help you out a bit...  the doctors/nurses in the group can correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure you can see finger bones in the hand?  the next round should be better, this is just a teaser... enjoy!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tiny Baby Inside of Me - week 18


we have returned from our voyage and have lots to report!  mitch and twiglet make appearances in this very special video message, adding some entertainment and action to the background when i get boring...  enjoy!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tiny Baby Inside of Me - 16 weeks

hello!  i hope everyone is enjoying the lighter look of the blog... i felt the black was a bit ominous given its joyous contents... but do not be fooled or influenced by the blue accents; they are not indicative of the gender of the babe...  green wasn't legible against the white background, and i just thought the blue was pretty.  anyway, i won't waste my time typing when i have prepared this lovely video for your enjoyment.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tiny Baby Inside of Me First Photos

Some of you may have already seen these, but they were taken at 8 weeks, during our first, and only ultrasound so far.  Its amazing how much he already looks like his dad...  you can see his little feets and umbilical cord.   He was only about 3/4" long at the time, so he has grown quite a bit since then.  This week he is about the size of an avocado, about 4.5" long and 3.5 oz.... We are really excited for the next ultrasound... only a few more weeks to go!  Its amazing that we are almost halfway through this... we have A LOT to do!  

Thursday, July 23, 2009

15 weeks 3 days - tiny baby inside of me has a heartbeat

hello again family and friends,
so, we had our mini-appointment yesterday (not tuesday, like i had previously said) and everything looked/felt/sounded great!  i'm apparently a big fan of saying "yaaay" to any news, and i have promised myself that i will promptly put an end to using that exclamation after hearing myself on camera.  anyway, we found the heartbeat right away, and it is nice and strong...  we also listen to the placenta for a bit, which i didn't even know you could do, it kind of weirded me out, like i have two little beings growing inside of me instead of one.  mer tries to make a prediction of the sex of the baby based on the heartbeat (don't worry mom, its inconclusive), while mitch makes a prediction of his own...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

15 weeks - tiny baby inside of me

Mitch tells me I need to write a script before I do these because I ramble on too much... but i tell him our friends and family love to see me stumble through the awkwardness of being on camera!  Plus, it only took 7 minutes to film this way, not an hour. So, if you are just here for the stomach shot wait for the video to load and fast forward to 3:30.  Otherwise, enjoy, and i'll try to make the next one a bit more concise.  For a larger version of this video please visit: my brand new youtube account
love you guys!