Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tiny Baby - Week 12

Hello friends and family!
I can't believe Oden is just about 3 months old! This morning he was actually reaching out and grabbing a toy I hung on his mobile, which was a first! I was so proud of him!

Here is the link to Oden's Youtube page which he has added a couple of clips to recently:

and how about another photo?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tiny Baby - Week 11

Hello Friends and Family!

Here is the 11 week update featuring a cameo by Mitch! I can't believe our little man is already 11 weeks, but at the same time only 11 weeks old... He is sleeping from about 8 to 5 or 6 then from 5 or 6 to 8 or 9, so I think we are doing pretty good all in all... Also, I mention in the video that he seems a lot bigger to me, so I ended up measuring him, and he has grown 2 inches in 3 weeks... outstanding! Enjoy!


also, a little photo of the man at 10 weeks:

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Friends and Family!

Oden had a fantastic first Easter! We dyed Easter eggs on Saturday
Then Oden woke up bright and early Sunday morning
excited to find his Easter basket...
We were really amazed at how seriously he took his Easter basket hunt, thankfully, we caught
it on film for you all to enjoy:

Tiny Baby - Week 10

Hello again friends and family!

Although I have taped videos each week, I haven't posted them all, so I'm playing catch up. If you are wondering about my Harry Potter wound in this vid, I bashed my face on the car door while we were in Montreal... sadly this is the second time in three weeks my face has smashed against a car door... i think i have a problem...

this is the update video
and this is oden smiling, giggling and cooing doing belly time

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Teddy Project

Hello Friends and Family,

When Oden was born we chose to donate his umbilical cord blood for research and medical use. We were also asked to take part in the Teddy study on type 1 (childhood) diabetes which would screen his blood for the higher risk genes for type 1 diabetes. We agreed for both the sake of science and because we have a family history of type 1 diabetes. Happily, we received news that Oden does not carry the high risk genes and while it is not a promise that he will never develop type 1 diabetes he is at the same risk as the 'average child, which is 1 in 300'. Yay! We don't have any photos of Oden with a teddy bear, so here is a picture of Oden with his rhino, taken at 2.5 weeks:

Tiny Baby - 8 week stats

Hello friends and family,

Ok, things are settling down around here and I have a moment to update you all on Oden's progress. At his 8 week appt. his stats were:

Height: 1'-10.84" (53%)
Weight: 11lb 8.8oz. (52%)
Head Circumference: 14.96" (14%)

His head is kind of lopsided from wanting to look right so much, but the doctor said it will round back out when he starts sitting up more. They also they took his rectal temperature, which was a first for him and he made grunting noises like he was trying to poop, it was funny and sad all at once. Also, he kept up his tradition of tinkling all over the scale.
Oden received his first round of vaccinations at this visit as well and it broke our little hearts to hear him scream at the pain of the injections :( He took it all in stride though, and didn't seem to have any reactions to the shots aside from a mild temperature and crankiness. His next appointment will be at 16 weeks, so in May sometime.

All text posts are boring, so I will now add a photo for your viewing pleasure. Here is Oden at 6 weeks, dressed to charm...