Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Craft Show!

this post really has nothing to do with pregnancy and everything to do with my crafty friends and family and the gifts they made with their own bare hands! featuring lemon and twiglet as my assistants.

Week 38 - Not So Tiny Baby Inside Of Me


we are still pregnant!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Week 37 - Not So Tiny Baby Inside of Me

buon giorno amici e famiglia!
i don't think i wished everyone a Merry Christmas in the video, so Merry Christmas! And a belated Happy Channukah!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Robit/House Time Lapse

We thought it would be fun to time lapse the painting of the robit mural, but either I was too slow painting it, or we didn't have enough film to tape the whole thing... either way it isn't quite complete by the end, but mitch put together this little montage for you all to enjoy... so enjoy it!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Not So Tiny Baby Inside of Me - Week 36

Hello hello hello!

I've posted a few videos since I last e-mailed everyone, so if you like watching these religiously, better pop some popcorn and settle in for 18 to 20 minutes of rambling... otherwise if you are just interested in seeing the belly shots, they are conveniently located within the first couple minutes of each video. Also, I keep promising more photos and videos, and they are coming I swear...


Thursday, December 10, 2009

week 35 - tiny baby inside of me

hello friend,
here is the latest and greatest... there is this thing called 'baby brain' where your pregnancy causes you to be absentminded, and i think i have a bad case of it. i feel much less articulate than i did when i first started posting these blogs, so i apologize and can only hope that the baby will release my brain from his tiny little grasp when he arrives... more to come soon!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week 34 -Tiny Baby Inside of Me

Buenos Dias Amigos,

Its been awhile! I shot this video earlier this week but felt that I was unfocused and rambling so I wanted to reshoot it but didn't so I am posting it anyway. We actually have a few things we need to post including a 35 week update so there may be a cluster of new content up here in the coming days. I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving!
