Friday, November 20, 2009


ok, so we have done more to the room since this photo was taken, but it shows the completed robot... we have textured walls, so the rough, unfinished look of the worked well. its been humorous showing people in person because all of the girls think it looks so great, comment on the colors, etc... then all the guys think that the baby will be scared of the giant robot... what pansies! we now want electro to be invading a city like godzilla but have to wait til after the holiday to tackle that project. we'll post more soon!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

week 31 - tiny baby inside of me

i forgot to mention that it is Wednesday, November 11, 2009 and we are 31 weeks pregnant! just a quick update featuring the lovely little lemon...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween!

mitch was a guerilla chili pepper and i was a soldier... there was waaaaay too much artificial fog at the party we went to making the pictures a bit hazy, but you can still make out my gut!

I know hallow

week 30 - tiny baby inside of me

good evening and welcome,

i don't know why i'm speaking so slowly in tonight's blog, i usually feel like i'm firing info at you guys to the point that you might not understand what i'm saying, but tonight i appear a bit more pensive. i think its because a couple of friends showed up just as i started taping and i feel self-conscious talking to my computer when others are in earshot... still, the shoot was a success so i hope you enjoy it!
