Saturday, August 29, 2009

20 week ultrasound photos!

hello everyone! sorry this has taken a couple of days, but here are some of the photos from wednesday's ultrasound. the tech labeled the images, but if you have questions about what you are seeing let me know! the first one showing the lips and nose is by far the coolest, he looks just like mitch from that angle... he's gonna be a handsome little devil!

('junk' is slang for all the bits and pieces 'down there', the tech labeled at mitch's request. oh, and your looking at it from below; someone equated it to him sitting on a copy machine)

(he has his hand by his chin)

(side view of his 'junk', he is going to hate us later in life for putting these up here)

(this one is a little freaky, if you look directly above where is says 'face' at the bottom, that is his head... you can see an eyeball towards the top (another faint one if you look below it), a lip line and chin... )

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tiny Baby Inside of Me - 20 weeks

hello family and friends!

this is a very short, but exciting video that we filmed early this morning! we had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday and got a good glimpse of the wriggly little bugger; we think the lil guy has my chin and mitch's lips... crazy we can see these things so soon! our due date got pushed up a day to January 9, 2009 and we found out the sex of the babe!

alissa and mitch

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Week 19 - Tiny Baby Inside of Me

hello everyone!

here is just a quick update i squeezed in last night... nothing too mind-blowing, but i'm definitely beginning to 'pop'!  also, does anyone know if i can choose the frame the video maker decides to freeze, rather than being stuck with the lovely one it automatically displayed below?  thanks!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

18 Week Ultrasound Photos


here are the photos of the ultrasound we had on tuesday. like i said in the video, the nurse was the first to admit she doesn't perform them often (we had some extra time, so she offered to let us take a peek) so that is why the shots are a bit jumbled and we weren't able to find out the sex... anyway, i threw some labels on the images to help you out a bit...  the doctors/nurses in the group can correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure you can see finger bones in the hand?  the next round should be better, this is just a teaser... enjoy!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tiny Baby Inside of Me - week 18


we have returned from our voyage and have lots to report!  mitch and twiglet make appearances in this very special video message, adding some entertainment and action to the background when i get boring...  enjoy!
